15. December 22
Lukas Dittko, apprentice industrial mechanic, and Markus Feigenspan, apprentice electronics technician, are beaming all over their faces: They have just been named winners of the EnergieScouts 2022 project of the Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce! In a great team performance, they were able to inspire the jury with their project idea. In their approx. 20 minute presentation during the final event in the rooms of the IHK Arnsberg, their lively presentation convinced the audience. Thus she was able to prevail against eleven other training teams, which are trained e.g. at Infineon Technologies AG, Trilux GmbH, Martinrea Honsel Germany GmbH or Sparkasse Lippstadt. In terms of content
The two of them looked into the possibility of automatically shutting off the compressed air supply to our bag machines during downtimes and calculated an energy saving of approx. 50,000 kWh. However, we are all winners of the IHK project, which ran for several months: The young employees presented and in some cases already started projects that focus on reducing CO² emissions in the individual companies.
As a reward for their great performance, our two trainees were invited to Berlin by the IHK to honor the best energy scout teams nationwide! Congratulations from the entire Tütenmacher team!
(Source/Photo: Fabian Ampezzan/IHK Arnsberg)