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The news from WEBER Verpackungen

11. March 25

Our online offer is moving - shop even better now!

Great news!Our tried-and-tested product range is now available in the online shop of our sister company TO-GO Verpackungen - with even more choice and great benefits:Expanded range: Discover many innovative packaging solutionsMore payment options: No

13. January 25

Our ESD Paper Bag has won the Worldstar Global Packaging Award!

Having already won the German Packaging Award in autumn, our ESD Paper Bag also impressed the international jury of packaging experts in the ‘Electronics’ category.The Worldstar Global Packaging Award is the most important global award for packaging,

20. December 24

A look back and ahead - together into the year 2025

The year 2024 has put us all to the test while proving our strength and adaptability. Each and every one of us has made a contribution in a constantly changing environment - both personally and professionally. Now is the time to pause, look back on t

19. December 24

Successful audit - FSC® & PEFC® certification passed!

We successfully passed the combined FSC® and PEFC® audit last week without any non-conformities.A big thank you and congratulations to all those directly involved!But also to the entire Tütenmacher team, who have internalised the comprehensive requir

18. December 24

Tag der Ausbildung 2025

On 25 January 2025, WEBER will open its doors in Wickede from 10:00 to 14:00 for anyone interested in training in the field of printing and production. This event offers not only young people, but also parents and teachers an opportunity to find out

13. December 24

40 years of service at WEBER

This month, our employee Jens Braun is celebrating his 40th year with us bag makers.Jens started working for us in 1984 on the rewinder. At that time, his father was also still working for us - in the roll printing department. Jens moved there himsel

02. December 24

Safety first - for everyone!

Almost a fifth of our entire team will soon be trained as first aiders and ready to act quickly in an emergency.These training courses are not only important for safety at WEBER Verpackungen, but also give our employees the private confidence to be a

23. September 24

Danke VerpackungsDruck und Ansgar Wessendorf

Für uns war es ein spannender Austausch zwischen dem Chefredakteur Ansgar Wessendorf von VerpackungsDruck und unserem Geschäftsführer Dr. Carsten Schulze-Bentrop sowie unserem Teamleiter Flexodruck Alexander Dirkes. Eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, e

05. September 24

30-jähriges Firmenjubiläum

Dieses Jahr feiert unser geschätzter Kollege Peter Theissel sein 30-jähriges Firmenjubiläum.Peter hat WEBER in der Vergangenheit schon in vielen Abteilungen tatkräftig unterstützt. Nachdem er 1994 als Maschinenbediener angefangen hat, arbeitete er zw

04. September 24

Endlich geht es los! Diese Woche startete unser neuer Ausbildungsjahrgang.

Insgesamt bilden wir fünf Azubis als Industriemechaniker und Maschinen- und Anlagenführer aus. Zum Start der Ausbildungswoche stehen neben den üblichen Sicherheits- und Hygieneschulungen auch der Spaß und das gemeinsame Kennenlernen im Vordergrund.

04. September 24

Streetfood Friday

Am Freitag gab's bei uns Burger! Bei angenehmen Temperaturen und leckeren Burgern und Pommes von Beefbusters konnten wir am Freitagmittag entspannte Stunden zusammen genießen. Außerdem haben wir die Gelegenheit genutzt, um unseren ausgeschiedenen Ge

24. July 24

German Packaging Award 2024 for our ESD Paper Bag

In the Sustainability (Material Substitution) category, our ESD Paper Bag won over the jury of the Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e. V. (German Packaging Institute). "The first certified antistatic bag that is made of paper and impresses with a volume

28. June 24

Tütenmacher at the company run around the Möhne

Together with 5000 other participants, the Tütenmacher team mastered the almost 7 km long circular route of the Soest district company run with flying colors.A small part of the group, who wish to remain anonymous, almost failed the challenge of star
Blogbeitrag ESD Paper new

14. June 24

Our innovation: the ESD Paper Bag "dissipative plus" - the first antistatic bag made of paper!

In contrast to the standard dissipative ESD packaging on the market, which is made from plastic, the ESD Paper Bag from WEBER is made from 100% recycled paper. The innovative antistatic bag is therefore functional packaging that is also resource and
Blogbeitrag geh-digital

14. June 24 in Essen with WEBER Verpackungen

Today we are at in Essen!Daniela and Patrick from our sales team will be in Hall 8, Stand 110 at Messe Essen all day today, presenting our reLoc Bag and Send Bag products to the e-commerce industry!We are looking forward to numerous visit

24. May 24 on 14.06. at Messe Essen

Visit us at in Essen!On June 14, we will be presenting our sustainable paper packaging Send Bag and reLoc Bag to the international e-commerce audience at Messe Essen.We are looking forward to an exciting trade fair day with intensive exch

12. May 24

Happy Mother's Day!

We wish you all the best for Mother's Day!Giving a bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day? A very good idea!Wrap the bouquet not in plastic but in our bloom guard? Even better!All information about our bloom guard can be found here.

01. May 24

134 years of WEBER Verpackungen!

On May 1, 1890, Friedrich Weber founded what is now WEBER Verpackungen in Fröndenberg. A lot has happened since then - we have selected a few memories from the company chronicle.Founded in 1890, the attic of a goat shed in Fröndenberg served as the f

17. April 24

Bagmaker trainees visit Follmann Chemie in Minden

Yesterday, our bagmaker trainees had the great opportunity to visit Follmann Chemie in Minden. There, they immersed themselves in the world of water-based printing ink, adhesives and coatings production. In addition to a theoretical explanation of in

19. March 24

The Tütenmacher at Anuga FoodTec in Cologne

As of this morning, we are not only active in Stuttgart, but also in Cologne. We will be exhibiting at Anuga FoodTec until Friday. Anuga FoodTec is the trade fair for the international food and beverage industry. We will be presenting our packaging s

19. March 24

Start of LogiMAT in Stuttgart

Today at LogiMAT, in addition to our sustainable packaging solutions for e-commerce and mail order, we are also presenting our ESD Paper Bag - the first antistatic bag made of paper - for electronic components. Our sales team will be on site in Stutt

14. March 24

Our Snack Range is now also available in the online store!

In addition to our tried-and-tested shipping packaging and resealable paper bags, you can now also find a selection of innovative snack packaging in our store.Our snack packaging is designed to enable caterers and end customers to enjoy sandwiches, b

06. March 24


Today we are starting the last day of the trade fair in Cologne!Come and visit us - we will be presenting our Send Bag, reLoc Bag and screw bag. But the highlight is our new product - the ESD Paper Bag. The first antistatic bag made of paper!You can

22. February 24

Next stop - Berlin!

Today we are presenting our sustainable packaging solutions for e-commerce and mail order at the E-Commerce Berlin EXPO.Aurora, Daniela and Hüseyin will be actively supported by Markus from our sister company WEROCA Kartonagen.Come and visit us - Hal

21. February 24

WEBER Verpackungen at the Packaging Innovations in Birmingham

Today and tomorrow we are exhibiting at Packaging Innovations & Empack in Birmingham.Jan Lampen & Ewald Bouwmeister will be there and look forward to welcoming many visitors to our stand!Come by and discover our innovative packaging solutions

29. January 24

33 minutes for our democracy

Tomorrow marks the 91st anniversary of the National Socialist seizure of power in Germany in 1933. This was followed by a political reign of terror by the Nazis in the name of the German people, which led Germany, Europe and the whole world into terr

24. January 24

Trade fair appearance at the MUNICH FABRIC START in Munich

In addition to our trade fair appearance in Essen, we are also exhibiting at MUNICH FABRIC START in Munich.We have been presenting our Send Bag and reLoc Bag products at the MOC since yesterday. Our samples produced especially for the trade fair have

24. January 24

WEBER Verpackungen at the IPM in Essen

Yesterday the time had finally come: we presented our pot packer for the first time at IPM ESSEN! The pot packer and our bloom guards attracted numerous visitors to our stand and our team on site was able to hold many interesting discussions at the s

18. January 24

WEBER Verpackungen launches innovative "pot packer" packaging machine on the market

This year's IPM at the end of January is a very special event for WEBER Verpackungen: the company will be presenting a packaging machine for potted plants that it has developed and produced itself for the first time at the world's leading trade fair

21. December 23

Merry Christmas & a happy new year!

We look back on 2023 as a challenging year. We all faced challenges - both big and small. As private individuals, but also for us as a company, the challenges and changes of recent years continued and more were added. The coming year 2024 will certai

08. November 23

WEBER at the Trade Fair Aalsmeer

As of today, you can find us at the Trade Fair Aalsmeer at Royal FloraHolland.Whether for herbs, flowers or plants - with our many bloom guard variants we have the right solutions on offer.Find out up close about our bloom guard Pure Paper, bloom gua

03. November 23

BULL'S EYE - WEBER awarded as one of the best trainers 2023!

We are proud to have once again been recognized by "Capital" as one of the best trainers in Germany! With 23 out of 25 points, we proved our commitment to high-quality training and were able to achieve 5 out of 5 possible stars.The extensive survey t

18. October 23

40 years of Tuetenmacher...and doing it more passionately than anyone else!

He has put his heart and soul into the business for four decades and, with his leadership, has managed to develop a small "bag shop" into a successful and modern company with over 200 employees. His commitment day and night - in the truest sense of t

25. September 23

Simply the best

Carla Seringhaus has achieved an outstanding performance in her final examination as an industrial clerk and was therefore invited by the Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce to the Rittergut Störmede to honor the best trainees. This year, she i

29. August 23

WEBER Trainee Team Training

We would have liked to be as barrier-coated as some of our products last Friday. The long-planned trainee team training was on the schedule. After the group photo and the first GPS device briefing in bright sunshine, the weather-related conditions un

15. August 23

40th anniversary of the company

This month, we at WEBER have a very special reason to celebrate: Gerd Pörtner, the very first bag maker trainee (!), celebrates his 40th company anniversary. In a festive round Gerd surprised us with some anecdotes from the "good old days". For exam

14. August 23

Azubistart 2023

Heute ist für uns ein ganz besonderer Montag, denn wir begrüßen heute sieben neue Auszubildende bei WEBER. Die angehenden Fachkräfte werden als Maschinen- und Anlagenführer, Fachlagerist, Medientechnologe Druck, Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik und

11. August 23

WEBER beim Aktionstag Arbeit und Ausbildung in Werl

Arbeits- oder Ausbildungsstelle gesucht? Besuchen Sie uns nächste Woche auf dem Aktionstag Arbeit und Ausbildung in der Stadthalle Werl. Am Freitag, den 18.8., können Sie uns von 8-13 Uhr mit Fragen löchern und am Samstag, den 19.8., stehen wir Ihnen

08. August 23

Berufswahllehrer der Sälzer-Sekundarschule aus Werl zu Gast

Während der Sommerferien nutzen acht Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der Sälzer Sekundarschule Werl die Möglichkeit, sich über die Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten bei uns zu informieren. Das Kollegium, welches sich eine praxisnahe und qualitativ ansprechende Berufsb

27. June 23

Apprentices from Weber Verpackungen win national energy scouts competition

Lukas Böttcher and Markus Feigenspan, two of our trainees are among the national best in the "Energy Scouts" project. In Berlin, they were honored by Stefan Wenzel, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protec

22. June 23

"Trainee Video Contest 2023 - TOP Packed" Award Ceremony

YIPPIE YEAH! - Four of our trainees win the HPV's "Trainee Video Contest 2023 - TOP-Packed". We went to Berlin for the award ceremony! Congratulations from the whole Tütenmacher team! You are TOP! Apply now here as a media technologist printing with

15. June 23

WEBER Firmenlauf 2023

„Erschöpft, aber glücklich!“ war gestern unser Fazit beim Firmenlauf am Möhnesee. Gemeinsam mit 4000 anderen Teilnehmern/-innen hat das WEBER-Team den 6,5km langen Rundweg bravourös gemeistert. Dabei wäre ein kleiner Teil der Gruppe, der anonym blei

06. June 23


From June 6 to 8, we will present our innovative and sustainable snack range at the WTCE - World Travel Catering + Onboard Services EXPO - in Hamburg.Hot snacks, to go and take-away products are more and more in demand and a snackpackaging should pre

09. May 23

WEBER Verpackungen at transport + logistic Munich

WEBER Verpackungen is presenting innovative packaging solutions for e-commerce, textiles and accessories at the transport + logistic exhibitions in Munich until May 12. The focus will be on the Send Bag shipping bag and the reclosable paper bag reLo

08. May 23

WEBER at the interpack - Düsseldorf

We are still at the fair until 10.05.23 - Please visit us in Düsseldorf! Interpack - Fair Düsseldorf Hall 7 - Booth C 10 We look forward to your visit and will be happy to advise you on our innovative and sustainable packaging solutions.

04. May 23

WEBER successfully passes BRCGS Packaging Audit

We are very pleased to announce that our company has successfully passed the #BRCGS Packaging Audit. BRCGS Packaging is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), among others, and is a globally valid hygiene standard in the food and pac

28. April 23

Girls` Day 2023

The range of occupations and studies chosen by young women is still very narrow. More than half of them choose one of only ten apprenticeship occupations, even though there are more than 330 dual training occupations. We want to change that! That's w

25. April 23

New - reLoc Bag Textile now available in the online store

Now you can also order the reLoc Bag for textiles - in addition to the reLoc Bag components - in our online store. The reLoc Bag Textile was specially developed for textiles and is made of 100% paper. This makes it a sustainable and environmentally f

11. April 23

WEBER Packaging at the Sälzer BIT

We are present at the Sälzer BIT (Berufs-Info-Tag). We will be happy to welcome you on 21.04.23 between 08.30 and 13.00 at our stand in the Sälzer secondary school in Werl and explain the training opportunities in our company. We are looking forward

06. April 23

Kindergarten children become packaging experts

A large group of prospective schoolchildren from the Regenbogen kindergarten in Wiehagen, together with three educators, took a close look at parts of our production. Beforehand, the children had already learned a lot about packaging and its meaning

24. March 23

Send Bag with side gusset now available in our shop!

Our new Send Bag with side gusset is now also available in our store. In addition to the Send Bag flat bag and the Send Bag with bottom gusset, the new variant with side gusset complements and completes our Send Bag family. More volume and still very

24. February 23

New: reLoc Bag Textile

Our reLoc Bag is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to the poly bag or pressure seal bag.The clever material mix of kraft paper and a transparent glassine paper for insight into the bag makes the reLoc Bag an ideal replacement

14. February 23


Congratulations!They are beaming - and completely deservedly so: Carla Seringhaus and Patrick Sturm were very successful in their final exams for industrial clerks in January. Carla completed her apprenticeship with us, which was shortened by half a

02. February 23

Brand new: Send Bag with side gusset

In response to many customer requests, our practical Send Bag is now also available with a side gusset. With this new product variant, the Send Bag family is now complete! Our customers already know the cost-effective prices, the high quality and the

16. January 23


E-Commerce Germany Award - WEBER is there! We firmly believe that there are too few alternatives for plastic packaging and for this reason we have developed the reLoc Bag. The reLoc Bag is the first reclosable bag made of 100% paper and therefore the

21. December 22

Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

During the Christmas season, we often look beyond our everyday horizons to the things that are really important and significant. But the energy crisis with its serious financial consequences and an incomprehensible war in Europe show us that happines

15. December 22

Our trainees win EnergieScout competition 2022!

Lukas Dittko, apprentice industrial mechanic, and Markus Feigenspan, apprentice electronics technician, are beaming all over their faces: They have just been named winners of the EnergieScouts 2022 project of the Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Comm

14. December 22

The first 100% paper reclosable bag

True to the motto "the best comes at the end", we would like to introduce you to a world first at the end of the year: reLoc Bag - The first reclosable bag made of 100% paper. The reLoc Bag is THE plastic-free alternative to pressure seal or zip-lock

18. November 22

Special design Send Bag "Winter

Shipping bags are wonderful for printing. In our online store we have now for you the Send Bag as Winter Edition in limited quantity.The Send Bag is available in different formats as well as with adapted shipping units, which are also suitable for sm

02. November 22

WEBER Verpackungen and the bloom guard at the Trade Fair Aalsmeer

For years, exhibitors and visitors have regarded the Trade Fair Aalsmeer as the indispensable networking and inspiration event for the flower and plant trade. This fall it's that time again: from November 9 - 11, 2022 the fair will take place again a

25. October 22

Training initiative Wickede - we are part of it!

We will be present tomorrow at the training fair of the training initiative Wickede! We will be happy to welcome you at our stand in the secondary school Wickede between 5 and 8 pm and explain the training opportunities in our company. We are looking

20. October 22

WEBER once again among "Germany's best trainers

With 5 out of 5 possible stars, the business magazine "Capital" has once again named us one of the "best trainers in Germany". The survey, which involved answering a detailed questionnaire with more than 90 questions, ran from the end of March to the

17. October 22

Congratulations, dear Sarah!

Sarah Schmiemann achieved an outstanding performance in her final examination as an industrial clerk and was therefore invited by the Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce to the Rittergut Störmede to honor the best trainees. This year, she is on

07. October 22

School class visits WEBER

Some students from the local secondary school, together with their teacher and a career counselor, took the opportunity to look behind the scenes of our bag production. The students followed the flow of materials through production and thus learned a

29. September 22

Final sprint in Nuremberg!

Today, on the last day of FACHPACK, visitors will once again have the opportunity to experience our packaging "live". Already on the first two days of the fair there was great interest in our e-commerce products Send Bag and Loc Bag Mixed Paper. Visi

26. September 22

WEBER exhibits at FACHPACK!

It may not be the Wiesn, but it's nice at FACHPACK, too! Starting tomorrow, we will be exhibiting our packaging solutions at the European Trade Fair for Packaging, Technology and Processes in Nuremberg. In addition to our Snack Range, our bloom guard

14. September 22

Premiere for WEBER at the Salon du Végétal

Currently, the Salon du Végétal takes place in Angers / France and we are there for the first time. The Salon du Végétal, the leading event to enhance and promote the plant market in France and Europe, invites the whole industry to Angers for three d

12. September 22

Our junior staff discover paper production

On August 31, 2022, the focus for our apprentices and dual students was on looking beyond their own horizons: they were able to experience live and in color how our most important raw material, paper, is actually produced. All 19 trainees went to Kab

07. September 22

WEBER Verpackungen with new web presence

This week we went live with our new website just in time for the upcoming trade show season. In addition to informative content on our extensive product range, the new website also includes a B2B online store for our innovative Send Bag. The modern a

01. September 22


We are currently exhibiting for the first time at the international trade fair MUNICH FABRIC START in Munich. As one of the leading European textile trade fairs, MUNICH FABRIC START showcases the latest developments and innovations in the textile and

18. August 22

We exhibit!

We are very pleased that in the coming weeks there will be three trade fairs in which we will participate as exhibitors. From 30.08 - 01.09.2022 the Munich Fabric Start, one of the leading European textile fairs, will take place in Munich. There we w

18. August 22

WEBER presents itself at training fairs

In August and September, we are looking forward to two training fairs at which we will present exciting and challenging apprenticeships to you. In addition, we will give you many insights into the advantages of an apprenticeship at WEBER Verpackungen

17. August 22

Apprentice start 2022

This week, a total of five junior employees started their training with us. The prospective specialists are being trained as machine and plant operators, packaging technologists and industrial clerks. On Monday, our trainer Marion Ladkau presented th

12. August 22

WEBER auf der Munich Fabric Start

WEBER Verpackungen präsentiert auf der Munich Fabric Start seine innovativen und nachhaltigen Verpackungslösungen für Textilien. Neben dem Send Bag und dem Send Bag mit Bodenfalte wird WEBER dort auch seinen neuen Loc Bag Mixed Paper vorstellen, der

27. June 22

Marsupials in top form despite heat

There was no need to heat up the WEBER team on Wednesday: At a cozy 27 degrees, a hard core of employees completed the 10th Sparkasse company run at Lake Möhne. With more than 3,000 "fellow runners", the marsupials (as the WEBER employees are also ca

14. June 22

Kindergarten children become packaging experts

The prospective schoolchildren from the Regenbogen kindergarten in Wiehagen, together with two kindergarten teachers, were able to get a live impression of our production. In the run-up to the event, the children had already learned a lot in kinderga

11. May 22

WEBER at Packaging Innovations

After a 2 year break due to Corona, we are back at Packaging Innovations in Birmingham. On our booth we will present our innovative packaging solutions for mail order, food and plants. This year we are happy about two special features: First, we have

11. May 22

Capacity expansion in flexographic printing

It was time. Efficiency and speed had been exhausted. That's why we commissioned another flexographic high-performance press from the manufacturer Allstein in May 2022. At peak speed, we can print 0.8 km of paper web per minute with 11 colors on both

03. May 22

Girls' Day 2022

What does a packaging technologist actually do? This was the task for 8 young ladies aged 11 to 14 during Girls` Day at our company last Thursday. After the Girls` Day could unfortunately only take place online in the past two years, all participants

27. April 22

We exhibit!

We are very pleased that in the coming weeks there will be two local trade fairs in which we will participate as exhibitors. Packaging Innovations, the most important event for the UK packaging industry, will take place in Birmingham from 25-26 May

20. April 22

bloom guard paper sleeve now without metal clips

We are known in the green industry for our innovative packaging and continue to optimize our bloom guard products. The sustainable packaging for herbs, lettuce, vegetables and plants are usually blocked 50 pieces each for easy filling and tearing off

01. March 22

WEBER Verpackungen is one of "Germany's best trainers 2021".

WEBER Verpackungen is awarded by Capital and as one of "Germany's best trainers 2021" ! Already last year we participated in the Capital study about Germany's best trainers. The results have now been evaluated and we can be pleased abou

08. February 22

Send Bag with bottom gusset - for even more flexibility!

We have fantastic news for you: By popular demand, the Send Bag is now also available with bottom gusset. This means that no matter whether you want to send flat or wide, small or large, few or many products - we have the optimal shipping packaging f

20. December 21

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

A year of many ups and downs, socially and economically, is drawing to a close. The Corona pandemic continues to have a stranglehold on the world, allowing us only a brief respite between waves through old, familiar freedoms. We would like to thank a

09. December 21

First, "own" graduate "Bachelor of Engineering

Niklas Schwarz can proudly hold his bachelor's degree in paper engineering in his hands these days. He is thus our first "own" graduate with aBachelor of Engineering degree in the history of WEBER Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG, who was able to obtai

09. December 21

The Send Bag at the Fashion Trade Congress

Our sales team presented our sustainable Send Bag to the fashion industry at the fashion trade congress of Textil-Wirtschaft in Frankfurt. This was a good opportunity for many interesting conversations and exciting presentations for all involved!

02. December 21

WEBER again certified according to BRCGS Packaging

We are very pleased that our company has been certified according to BRCGS Packaging for the 9th time in a row. BRCGS Packaging is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) , among others, and is a globally valid hygiene standard in the

06. October 21

WEBER at the Tradefair Aalsmeer

From 03 to 05 November the Trade Fair Aalsmeer will take place in Holland - and we will be there too! The heart of the fair is the Royal Flora Holland House in Hall 2, where we will present our packaging solutions for the green industry at our booth

06. October 21


Due to his outstanding performance in the final examination for media technologist printing, Jonas Keul was invited by the Arnsberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce to honor the best trainees at Rittergut Störmede. He was thus one of 68 trainees in t

04. October 21

Gautschfeier 2021

A tradition that had almost been forgotten could now be carried out after all: The Gautschfest took place in the schoolyard of the Fritz-Henßler-Berufskolleg in Dortmund. Naturally, the event was held under Corona conditions, as all participants were

29. September 21

Kebag wins German Packaging Award in Gold

We have reason to celebrate, because our KEBAG has won the German Packaging Award in the category "Functionality and Convenience"! And it gets even better: yesterday at the FachPack award ceremony, the KEBAG also received the Gold Award, with which t

21. September 21

Great team spirit at the company run

After the Sparkasse company run at Möhnesee was cancelled last year due to corona, it could finally take place again this year. As we found out, the good training resolutions were unfortunately - the ninth year in a row - not successfully implemented

16. September 21


Finally a trade fair again! FACHPACK, the European Trade Fair for Packaging, Technology and Processes, will be held at the Exhibition Center Nurembergfrom September 28 - 30, 2021. This makes it the first major meeting place for the packaging industr

27. July 21

WEBER trainees also a good team on the water

After the annual trainee team training had to be cancelled last year due to Corona, we were even happier this year to be able to do something for the team spirit of the junior staff again. Even though we had to start with a Corona quick test for ever

21. July 21

Apprentice start 2021

This week, a total of eleven junior employees started their training or studies with us.In addition to packaging and media technologists, the prospective specialists are being trained as machine and system operators, warehouse specialists or industri

01. June 21

bloom guard glassine

Our latest bloom guard variant with glassine is made entirely of paper and at the same time offers the end customer a full view of the blooms. Glassine is a smooth, glossy paper that makes the plant an eye-catcher due to its transparency. It is tear-

21. April 21

Girls' Day 2021

For this year's Girls Day we - WEBER Verpackungen - would like to introduce ourselves! There we will show you the complete process up to a finished bag. A very exciting process. Have fun watching!WEBER presentation video

20. April 21

Training fair in Ense 2021

Due to Corona, this year's training fair in Ense takes place digitally. We have introduced ourselves in a short video. There we have given a small insight into what products we manufacture, what apprenticeships our company offers and how the training

04. February 21

Strip window bag with glassine

We have sustainable news for you: our transparent strip pouches are now also available with a transparent window made of glassine! The environmentally friendly material combination paper/glassine offers you several advantages at once: you have (compa

16. October 20

WEBER Verpackungen is one of the best trainers in Germany

For the fourth time, the business magazine "Capital" has published a study on the best training companies in Germany. We are among them! This means that we can now call ourselves "Germany's Best Training Companies 2020". With a result of 4 out of 5 p

21. September 20

Our Send Bag Shop is online!

From today it is possible to order our Send Bag in different variations via our new store. Send Bag, THE sustainable alternative to plastic shipping bags and bulky cardboard boxes.The Send Bag is not only made of 100% FSC-certified recycled paper if

10. September 20

bloom guard for herbs as a sustainable packaging alternative

Through more environmentally friendly packaging solutions, REWE Austria and its retail brand Ja!Natürlich have saved around 1,000 tons of plastic since 2011. We are proud that our bloom guard for herbs was able to contribute to this great success.Num

30. June 20

Hip Hip Hooray - We are 130 years old!

Incredible but true, we are celebrating our 130th anniversary this year. A lot has happened since our last anniversary 5 years ago:Among other things, we have added another production and storage hall, started up a high-end flexo printing machine wit

04. June 20

The cutlery bag - cutlery hygienically packed

For months now, the hygienic requirements for catering establishments have been increasing and of course we want to support our customers in mastering them in the best possible way. That's why we have developed our latest product - the cutlery bag -

20. May 20

New technical center put into operation

It is directly adjacent to our "old" administration building and cannot be overlooked due to its modern glass front: our new technical center has now been completely finished. With a floor space of approx. 400 m², it offers bag makers many new possib

16. January 20

WEBER is audited according to SMETA

Already last year 2019 we were certified according to the SMETA standard. SMETA stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit and is one of the most widely used concepts in the field of social audits worldwide (60,000 Sedex members in 180 countries).S
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